Over the period 1984-87 the political and strategic direction of GSM was being shaped by France, Germany, Italy and the UK. It was the genesis of the mobile revolution. This is the UK record of what happened, how it happened, why it happened and captures the political dynamics within which it all took place.
Excell PC105T
Technophone EXCELL PC105T – taking the mobile from the hand into the pocket (1986) Technophone was a company set up in 1984 by Nils Martensson, a Swedish radio engineer who left Ericsson to set up on his own in 1978. Nils Martensson’s dream was to transform the large, clunky”brick” into the world’s first mobile phone to fit into the pocket. He secured a DTI […]
Nokia N92
Nokia N92 – A vision of Mobile TV In South Korea mobile television made enormous headway driven by advances in the quality of screens. That extra detail made the pictures watchable on small screens. Both public terrestrial and satellite mobile TV services were launched. This is where to look for the pioneering mobiles designed for mobile TV. It is an import […]
Ericsson R380
Ericsson R380 – The mobile that blazed the trail for the SmartPhone (2000) The IBM Simon is recognised as the origin of the smartphone. The prototype personal communicator concept was displayed at the 1992 Comdex Trade Show. But the very first mobile to be called "a smartphone" was the Ericsson R380 brought out in 2000. It incorporated the two key […]
Samsung SCH-r900
Samsung SCH-r900 – The world’s first LTE Mobile (2010) Every 10 years or so mobile technology has made a generation leap…1G…2G…3G. The next step along this global standards path is the Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology. The term LTE was chosen by the standards body as shortly after the 3G standard was introduced, the marketing departments of a number of s […]

Inside the Mobile Revolution
Over a 20 year period from 1992 some 3600 different designs of mobile phones emerged. Only a handful were outstanding industrial designs. Showcasing the best ... here TABLE OF CONTENTS PART 1 - TOUR OF THE GREAT DESIGN COLLECTIONS PART 2 - GREAT INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS CLOSE-UP INTRODUCTION "ANALOGUE" COLLECTION “JAPANESE” COLLECTION "KOR […]
Who created GSM?
Our modern world is awash with ideas. Some become the raw material of great technology achievements. Most don't. The difference in fortune usually comes down to a pivotal moment along the way. For GSM it all came down to 37 weeks in 1987. GSM can trace its origins as far back as 1975 when Henry Kieffer from the Swiss PTT suggested Europe needed to find […]
Four years of research has produced our authoritative guide of the first mobiles to hit key technology mile-stones and influenced the smartphones we carry around today. […]
Lost in Time - the Fathers of SMS
The story of “who created SMS” is really fascinating. It offers insight into not just to who the hero’s were that made it happen, but how society (nearly a quarter of a Century later) sets about recognising the fathers of such an outstanding outcome. If anyone went to their local public Library and asked for a book on the creation of SMS they are likely to c […]
Academic researchers love to go back to the original documents. Some are out of reach in private archives. Here at GSMHistory.com we give on line access to seven important documents that have critically shaped today's mobile world. THE SEVEN MOST IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS IN GSM HISTORY 1. Origins of GSM – Technology In 1984 France and Germany agreed to run j […]
Inside the 3G Mobile Revolution
Around 2007 3G became of age and mobile phone users, particularly those between 15 and 30 years old, found themselves in the midst of a tectonic change in the way they engage with the world around them. Every aspect in which we communicate and interact with the world around us changed in an even more fundamental way than was the case when the GSM revolution […]

The pressing need across Europe is for pro-investment mobile regulation. This book describes, for the first time, what a pro-investment mobile regulatory framework might look like. It is called the “infrastructure quality driven” spectrum revolution. It is packed with illustrative examples of how it might work. This it is one of those rare revolutions where everyone can be a winner – consumers needing better quality of coverage, commerce & industry struggling to improve their productivity and mobile operators seeking sustainable profitability.